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10 Tips For Tackling Rental Property Maintenance

Whether you hire professional contractors, do it yourself, or combine the two, managing the regular maintenance of a rental property is an important part of being a landlord. Additionally, if you are a property owner you must also make sure that the rental property is

How Much Do Property Managers Charge? Here’s What Fees to Expect

Many landlords believe that property management fees simply cut profit margins to a minimum in exchange for basic services to maintain your rental property. But the reality is that property managers can simplify your life and smooth out the kinks in your investment properties—for a

My Top 6 Tips for New Landlords

Being a landlord can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. Landlords can earn a lot of money, or they can spend a ton of money on legal fees and lose more than they make. You can self-manage your rentals or outsource it and be hands-off. Either

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